Sunday, March 27, 2016


dis·ap·point·ment disəˈpointmənt/ noun the feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the nonfulfillment of one's hopes or expectations.

The project which I seemed to love the day we filmed now seems to be extremely lacking.  Luckily, there is a substantial amount of time to mend the issues prevalent.  Issue 1: scripting.  The scenes of the two teenage girls talking seems very stilted and, well, unnecessary.  The content is merely included as a filler, resulting from a lack of dialogue development.  Due to our limited time on filming day, the script was prominently improvised and this definitely shows.  Ultimately, I would like to re-film this entire sequence and add something with much more depth and relevance.  
As far as the intruder scenes go, I think they are very effective, aside from a few external sounds that take away from the scene.  Overall, though, the ambiance created directly matches my vision, through the lighting, shaky camera movement, and sounds of planes passing, wind howling, and crickets chirping.  Here is my favorite shot: 
I am going to bring up my concerns with Cheyenne tomorrow. Hopefully, we are on the same page with everything.  Redoing a whole sequence will require a great deal of time and effort, however, I do believe it is inevitable in order to create a project we can have pride in. 

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