Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Panic! At The Disco

pan·ic panik/noun1.sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wildly unthinking behavior.

No, my post does not have to do with the band Panic! At the Disco; it only has to do with the first word (yes, including the exclamation point) In a state of severe panic last night, I created an entire Google Doc including methods to add some liveliness to our scenes based on my research.  Not only did I merely list methods, but I even wrote a whole new script in preparation for yet another day of re-filming. Here it is:

Little did I know, while I was doing this Cheyenne was editing our original footage, smoothening out the scenes and fixing the audio issues.  She showed me this in class today and the film definitely looks infinitely better. While I do wish I knew of this before I planned an entire solution (when I should have been studying for my physics test), I am extremely relieved that everything has worked out. sidenote: iMovie should really update and become a Google Drive type of thing in which multiple individuals can edit simultaneously since having the project all on one laptop has been our biggest conflict over the past 6 weeks.  This being said.......our film is finally completed!!!! There are several things I wish I could do improve in the film, however, given our time limitations, I am not completely disappointed with our product.  We definitely underestimated the filming aspect and only allotted ourselves one night to film which definitely was not enough (we reshot Saturday so make that two nights). Regardless, the past 6 weeks definitely zoomed by and I am still in disbelief that it is already over......not so fast, still got to do that critical reflection!!!!!

"22 Ways to Make a Boring Scene Interesting - Tuesday Photo Tips."Assignment Chicago. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2016.

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