Saturday, April 9, 2016


gifs used from: "GIPHY | Search All the GIFs & Make Your Own Animated GIF." GIPHY. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.

opening / closing music: music: Rain by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (



I hope you guys enjoy watching the opening to Borderline at least a fraction of the amount I enjoyed producing it!!! This has been such an impactful learning experience and for that I am immensely grateful. I explored areas I never gave a second glance to before and, most importantly, I developed a new hobby that I hope to further develop. I plan to continue creating films and, although this is the end of this journey, it's the beginning of many more to come so until next time!!!

Friday, April 8, 2016

The End of a Beautiful Journey

end end/ noun 1. a final part of something, especially a period of time, an activity, or a story.

Ok so this is the end. I'm not gonna lie, it is a bittersweet feeling. In the past 6 weeks, I have grown attached to my blog and to my entire project in general being that I put so much work into it. Yesterday, I dedicated a good 6 hours to my critical reflection. I decided to make it using iMovie, which allowed me to incorporate a bunch of ideas all wrapped into one Creative Critical Reflection.  I love how it came out, with the visuals and the audio.  Check it out on Sunday!!!!!!!! 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Gotta Get That Juice

un·con·ven·tion·al ˌənkənˈven(t)SH(ə)n(ə)l/ adjective not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed.

So for my critical reflection, I know what I do not want to do after looking through a couple of examples provided to us by my media studies teacher. I do not want to make a PowerPoint or Prezi. I feel like these two platforms lack the establishment of a personal connection among myself and my audience, an aspect that is essential to me.  Also, I do not want to be talking in a monotone voice while viewers stare at minimal text on a black screen. While the tone of my voice may become difficult to control, I want to make my commentary engaging and entertaining, providing my own personal voice as opposed to merely stating the technical process of filming.  I do like the screen share idea as it allows presenters to further delve into their production, however, I would ideally like to think of a communication method less ordinary and more creative. Hm, my creative juices better start flowing......

Panic! At The Disco

pan·ic panik/noun1.sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wildly unthinking behavior.

No, my post does not have to do with the band Panic! At the Disco; it only has to do with the first word (yes, including the exclamation point) In a state of severe panic last night, I created an entire Google Doc including methods to add some liveliness to our scenes based on my research.  Not only did I merely list methods, but I even wrote a whole new script in preparation for yet another day of re-filming. Here it is:

Little did I know, while I was doing this Cheyenne was editing our original footage, smoothening out the scenes and fixing the audio issues.  She showed me this in class today and the film definitely looks infinitely better. While I do wish I knew of this before I planned an entire solution (when I should have been studying for my physics test), I am extremely relieved that everything has worked out. sidenote: iMovie should really update and become a Google Drive type of thing in which multiple individuals can edit simultaneously since having the project all on one laptop has been our biggest conflict over the past 6 weeks.  This being said.......our film is finally completed!!!! There are several things I wish I could do improve in the film, however, given our time limitations, I am not completely disappointed with our product.  We definitely underestimated the filming aspect and only allotted ourselves one night to film which definitely was not enough (we reshot Saturday so make that two nights). Regardless, the past 6 weeks definitely zoomed by and I am still in disbelief that it is already over......not so fast, still got to do that critical reflection!!!!!

"22 Ways to Make a Boring Scene Interesting - Tuesday Photo Tips."Assignment Chicago. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2016.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Sad Face Emoji

bore·dom ˈbôrdəm/noun the state of feeling bored.

The title of this blog is directly analogous to my current state of mind. So last night, we re-filmed all of our dialogue scenes and I wish I could say I loved them. On the bright side, they are usable and the dialogue came out as planned.  We were originally worried that lighting would be an issue, being that we filmed Saturday during the day while our film is set at night.  With the use of a few curtains and the lack of sunlight in the room we picked, we were able to create the illusion that is was, in fact,  nighttime.  Another potential issue we had thought of was the acting.  Our last filming fiasco left us with a deep-rooted of, well, bad acting. Luckily, our new actress embodied the character of Lindsay perfectly, being that she was not too far out of her comfort zone; sassy and go-with-the-flow (is there a proper adjective for that? who knows my brain is beyond fried right now). The bigger issue, however, is that the scenes just seem unimportant and, well, boring.  Unable to figure out methods to incorporate movement into the shots, not a lot of variety is prevalent.  The camera movement/angles are limited to pans and two-person shots, making the scenes extremely dry and BORING. Cheyenne and I are super stressed out and don't really know if we will have enough time to re-film, and even if we did, we don't know how we would add some excitement to the scenes.  These scenes are supposed to be juxtaposed with the intense intruder scenes, (and they definitely are the opposite of the riveting intruder scenes) but this needs to be done in a more visually appealing method. The more I watch our film, the less I like it.  Perhaps this is due to my hostile self-criticism. I am going to have some people look it over and give me their honest opinions, but the fact that I do not even want to show people our "final" project is not a very good sign. Needless to say, I am super stressed and fear that my goal of loving our product will not be achieved.