Sound. A blessing and a curse. In the past, I have put together a couple major productions, however, sound has rarely been a priority in them being that one was a silent film and the other a music video. This has made it difficult and, frankly, annoying to have to deal with the aspect now. Visually, our film came out extremely appealing and something I am very proud of. On the other hand, the audio is very choppy and does not flow very well. I have done some research in hopes of finding specific sounds that we can layer into the film in order to add the feel of suspense we are seeking. I found this website for free sound effects we can utilize to amplify certain sounds. We will also be incorporating some folly sounds, such as the door closing.
Suspense films incorporate several layering when it comes to sound. In order to gain further insight on this, I researched the epitome of suspense movies, Hitchcock, allowing me to incorporate some of his ideas into our film. We did make limited progress on the issue of sound the night we filmed; Youtube Audio Library. A suggestion made by a classmate during a very helpful meeting last Wednesday, Youtube Audio Library provides a wide variety of copyright-free sounds we can incorporate into our film. Cheyenne and I found 2 songs that add to our suspenseful scene as well as the juxtaposing nonchalant scene involving two girls ignorantly working on a project; here they are.
"FOLEY." FOLEY. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.
"The Sound of Hitchcock: How the Director Used Sound to Create Atmosphere & Suspense in His Films." Open Culture. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.
"Tags." N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.
"Youtube Audio Library." Audio Library. Youtube, n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2016.
I can tell you've put a lot of thought into your project and after looking over most of your blog, I'm confident that you'll be able to execute everything the way you want. It seems as if you've really engrossed yourself in this and your research definitely shows dedication. Since you're working in a group, I think that consistently including mutual thoughts between you and your partner would create for a more bona fide perspective for your readers when blogging. As you commented on my blog, bringing out one's personality is a big plus and I must say, I admire the way you bring out your own. Including a word to represent your mindset or emotion at the beginning of each post is a great touch. I can't say I have any negative feedback or criticism to provide, your blog overall is quite impressive and I encourage you to continue with your style. Sounds like you're definitely headed in the right direction and I wish you the best of luck on the remainder of your project!